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Channel 8 de San Juan, más (occasionally known as El Ocho) is an Argentine free-to-air television channel that broadcasts from the city of San Juan, in the province of the same name. It is operated by Grupo América. It was inaugurated in 1964 and is the first private open television signal to be broadcast in the province. Retransmits the programming of the América TV and A24 signals.

The station was born by the hand of local businessmen, among these stands out its founder, Jorge Enrique Estornell, who can invest to finalize the project of the first local television channel in the province and be one of the oldest to tell about it.

Its first official broadcast was on May 2, 1964, although the first test broadcasts were made from April 18 of that same year. At that time it broadcast in a fragmented way from 12:00 to 14:00 and then from 18:00 to 00:00 where their programming was only for programs that were broadcast on Canal 13 in Buenos Aires. 2 years later local programming began.

The channel quickly gained popularity with the audience, who had only one option up to that point. The studios are still located in the center of the city of San Juan as well as its transmitter plant located on the 6th floor of the Estornell Gallery. As a reason for its 50th anniversary, on April 29, 2014 the signal broadcast some shorts alluding to the history of the channel.

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