TV Channels From USA - It's Supernatural Live Tv Live Stream

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Sydney Abraham Rothbaum (born September 7, 1940) is an American talk show host and author. He was originally born a Jew; after a negative experience with New Age philosophy, he converted to Messianic Judaism at the age of 32, working for Merrill Lynch after his colleague convinced him that Jesus was indeed the promised Messiah. Soon after, he experienced a supernatural experience confirming his conversion. He began his radio series Messianic Vision in 1977. His television show Sid Rota "It's Supernatural"! began broadcasting in 1996.

At the end of 2013, the Rota ministry launched ISN (Supernatural! Network), a full-time online network that broadcasts Sid Roth’s episodes of “It's Supernatural”! and other content produced by the ministry and its partners for free.

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