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The Jesus Christ Live Superstar Concert is an American music television special show that was broadcast live on NBC on April 1, 2018 (Easter Sunday) and relayed (from the tape) on Easter Sunday 2020, April 12, 2020. . Executive release: Craig Zadan, Neil Meron, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Tim Rice and Mark Platt, it was a staged concert performance of the 1970 rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar. It received positive reviews from critics, but had a smaller audience than earlier musical events.

The musical is almost completely sung, with minimal conversational dialogue. The plot is freely based on the stories of the canonical Gospels about the last week of the life of Jesus Christ, beginning with the preparation for the arrival of Jesus and his disciples in Jerusalem and ending with the crucifixion.jesus is alive, Jesus lives in me, Jesus lived in India, Jesus won the victory, jesus is alive and me too jesus live wallpaper, Jesus lyrics jesus loves little kids, Jesus lives on stage, jesus live action, jesus live tv, jesus live movie, jesus live game, jesus live photo, Jesus lives in me, jesus live viewer,