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Kölcsey Television is a regional television channel in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, which began operations in 1999. It is based in Nyíregyháza. As part of the digital switch, the channel also switched to digital broadcasting in the region after Nyíregyháza Television, and since the end of 2013 it has been broadcasting some of its programs in HD quality in 1080i resolution.

Kölcsey Television began broadcasting in 1999 with the aim of operating a county-covered channel that would be an authentic source for the legion in addition to the daily media of people living in the area. The channel was founded by the county assembly.

It was an important aspect to present the life of the inhabitants of the settlements inside and outside the transmission area, to get an insight into daily life. As the broadcast area borders three counties, it is possible to watch the program not only at the county level, but also in the outskirts of neighboring countries.