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PBS Kids is the brand name for most children's programs broadcast by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in the United States. Some public television children's programs are not produced by PBS member stations or transmitted by PBS produced by independent public television distributors such as American Public Television, are not labeled "PBS Kids" programming, and are basically a programming block branding.

PBS Kids is also the name of a separate network with two iterations in the digital television age; The current version available between 1999 and 2005 and released in January 2017. The network is also available in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The framework for PBS Kids was created as part of PBS's "Ready to Learn" initiative, a project that aims to facilitate the access of early childhood education programs to privileged children. On July 11, 1994, PBS repackaged its existing children's educational program into a new block called "PTV".

In addition to the planned training programs, PTV has also added transitional content such as "The P-Pals" with animated characters shaped like PBS logos, presenting educational content from fictional worlds "PTV Park". These intermediate abbreviations were intended for younger children.

Many of the intermediate abbreviations, along with some of the station identification sequences shown in the block, continued to be used by some PBS member stations after PTV was last aired on September 5, 1999.