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In South Korea there are a number of national television networks, the three most important of which are KBS, MBC and SBS. Most of the big TV studios are located on Yeouido and Sangam-dong. South Korea became the third adopter in Asia when television broadcasting began on May 12, 1956 with the opening of HLKZ-TV, a commercially operated television station. HLKZ-TV was created by the distribution company RCA (KORCAD) in Seoul with a power of 186 to 192 MHz, a power of 100 watts and 525 scan lines.

Important genres of television programming include series, historical dramas, variety shows, game shows, news programs, and documentaries. The three networks have produced increasingly sumptuous historical dramas in recent years. Some South Korean TV programs are available on satellite and multicultural channels in foreign countries. Korean TV dramas were very popular in other countries in East Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia, and became popular internationally at a later stage, with ensembles Whole videotapes or DVD series available with full subtitles in different languages, online subtitle websites are also created by many fan clubs to cater to a global audience. Shopping channels have also become very popular in recent years, and models sometimes offer entertaining shows during product presentations.

There are many cable operators in South Korea, such as Tbroad, C&M, CMB and CJ HelloVision. There are approximately 14 million cable TV subscribers nationwide. The cable operator provides TPS to its subscribers.you are the tv official, you tv tfm, you tv communication, you tv senegal en direct, you tv senegal frequency, you tv big plateau, you live tv, you tv apk, you tv address, sony you tv applications, promix tv you tell black sea, twitch.tv/sen direction, anushka you tv shows, anushka you tv player, you agriculture tv,