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Voice of America (VOA) is an international state-controlled television and radio network funded by the US federal tax budget. It is the largest international broadcaster in the USA. VOA produces digital, TV and radio content in 47 languages, which it distributes to affiliated stations around the world. Because it is primarily watched by foreign audiences, VOA programming has an impact on overseas public opinion regarding the United States and its people.

VOA was established in 1942, and the VOA charter (Public Laws 94-350 and 103-415) was signed by President Gerald Ford in 1976.

VOA is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and is overseen by the US Global Media Agency, an independent agency of the US government.

Funds are allocated annually by Congress under the embassies and consulates budget. In 2016, VOA broadcast an estimated 1,800 hours of radio and TV programs each week to approximately 236.6 million people worldwide, with around 1,050 employees and an annual budget of $ 218.5 million funded by taxpayers.
Some commentators see the Voice of America as a form of propaganda.

In response to the United States Department of Justice's request that RT register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, the Russian Ministry of Justice labeled Voice of America and Radio Free Europe / Freedom Radio as foreign agent in December 2017.

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