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USA - Construction of the Bridge connecting Brooklyn and Manhattan on East River in New York started on January 3, 1870. It was completed 13 years later and was opened on May 24, 1883. It was the largest suspension bridge in the world when it was completed; The towers of the bridge have been the tallest buildings in the USA for several years. The gap between the main legs of the bridge on the east river is 486.3 meters. The construction cost of the bridge is $ 15.1 million and about 27 people died in its construction.

Building this bridge needed to address increased traffic between Brooklyn and Manhattan was the dream of John A. Roebling, the inventor of the wire cable. John A. Roebling was the owner of the world's largest cable manufacturer company, producing telegraph wires, electrical bridge wires, ship and elevator wires.

He worked from 1865 on the drawing of the bridge. He managed to take the bridge construction project he had dreamed of, but he was crushed by an accident during the locating of the bridge, and he died in 1869 after suffering from pain in 2 weeks as a result of infection, and his son Washington Roebling was appointed as the chief engineer of the bridge.

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