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Vatican Media (formerly Centro Televisivo Vaticano) is the national broadcaster of the Holy See, based in the Vatican, which first began broadcasting in 1983. Founded in 1983 by Pope John Paul II, Vatican Media has been an institution legally affiliated with the Vatican since November 1996.

The programs are mostly based on what is happening in the Vatican. Daily prayers such as Angelus, general audiences on Wednesdays and various celebrations are broadcast. The Pope's travels around the world are also broadcast. Every year, CTV broadcasts about 130 events in the Vatican and covers the Pope's day-to-day social activities and major events outside the Vatican.

Octava Dies is a 25 minute weekly magazine that has been broadcast worldwide since Easter 1998. It is also broadcast by Italian Catholic TV channels and press agencies such as APTN.

Live broadcasts are broadcast on the Vatican website and by other Italian Catholic TV channels such as Telepace or TV2000, and foreign TV channels such as KTO. The Vatican does not have its own television station. Upon request, Vatican Media also broadcasts images to other television channels about events in the Vatican or during the Pope's visits around the world.

At the Vatican, he can offer assistance in setting up press centers and press conferences, as well as services for special reporters and video and audio assistance for foreign TV channels. “He broadcasts about 130 live streams a year, produces documentaries, creates a weekly magazine program called Octava Dies, which is distributed worldwide, and serves as an archive for all of his footage. On Sundays, the station uses Intelsat to broadcast Pope Angelus to the United States. "

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